Histology of Human Organs
Learn about the histology of human organs and improve your understanding and performance in your examinations! You can view video descriptions of the histology of the heart and blood vessels - arteries, veins and blood capillaries; the respiratory system - nasal cavity, olfactory epithelium, trachea, bronchus and terminal bronchioles, respiratory bronchioles and alveoli in the lung; histology of endocrine organs such as the posterior and anterior pituitary or neurohypophysis and adenohypophysis, thyroid gland and adrenal (suprarenal) gland - adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla; histology of the endocrine pancreas; male reproductive system - testis, epididymis, vas (ductus) deferens, prostate gland and seminal vesicle, penis and penile urethra; female reproductive system - ovary, ovarian follicles, corpus luteum, uterine tube, uterus endometrium, cervix, vagina and external genitalia, non-lactating and lactating mammary gland; urinary system - kidney, ureter, bladder and male and female urethra; lymphoid organs - lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, thymus and spleen; oral cavity including the tongue, tooth and gingiva; salivary glands; alimentary system - esophagus, stomach, small intestine - duodenum, jejunum, ileum, large intestine - colon and rectum; histology of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas.